Yes there are rocks under the sea. The entire crust of the earth, including the parts covered by the ocean, is made of rock. ... Some kinds of rocks FORM from seawater and settle on the seafloor. Limestone forms by chemical precipitation from seawater.
By instituting perestroika, Gorbachev attempted to : Gradually introduce privatizations.
He believed that it's the only way he could dismantle the huge communism mindset that the Russian had during that time.
Having a Cultural diverse space in the United States can help us interact with others to build trust, understanding and respect to other cultures. Having a diverse and inclusive community helps with preventing more personal biases, negative stereotypes, racism and bigotry from occurring. It also helps build a more safer and stronger community.
Perimeter: perimeter is measured by the length of the shape around. The area of the shape is mostly the exact amount of a two dimensional shape that it covers. The ratio of the perimeter to the area is just the perimeter divided by the area.