According to Ishmael, the most difficult part of being alone in the forest was being lonely. Given that he was all alone in the dark forest, with no people around him, he suddenly felt really lonely and wanted somebody's company because it was scary without them. He had all the time in the world to think about what happened, which is not necessarily a good thing.
comply with rules, standards, or laws. (of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards.
It's like doing something because you friend likes it even though you hate it like if you hate strawberries but you eat them anyway because everyone else likes them
it's a alarmed and angry
the reason why it's a is because she hissed " boy, what are you doing here?"
she was alarmed and angry.
1. Shock
2. Pain
3. Anger
4. Acceptance
govenor of Louisiana is the correct answer