The long-term impact of Martin Luther's break from the Catholic Church was the division of Christianity into many factions and groups. We see many Protestant churches today as a result of his "revolution."
Luther had not intended to break away from the Roman Catholic Church; he wanted to reform it and restore it to what he saw as a proper foundation on the Bible. But Rome did not agree with him, and ultimately a new church, the Lutheran Church, formed. There also were other Protestant reformers, and other new churches developed from their teachings and influence.
Another point might be made: Luther emphasized the individual's freedom of conscience to believe what he thought the Word of God was saying. Though Luther did not intend it as a political movement, this began thoughts in the direction of freedom of speech and conscience in social life. The historian Philip Schaff has said that the Reformation "marks the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern times. Starting from religion, it gave, directly or indirectly, a mighty impulse to every forward movement, and made Protestantism the chief propelling force in the history of modern civilization."
For more details on Schaff's point, read more on -
It is commonly said that there are only two guarantees in life — death and taxes — but what can be more taxing than the prospect of one’s own death? Ceasing to exist is an overwhelmingly terrifying thought and it is one which has plagued individuals for centuries. This ancient stressor has been addressed over time by a number of different religious explanations and affirmations. Arguably, this capacity to provide answers for fundamental questions is what defines religion. For instance, under Hindu belief one’s soul lives on after biological death and is reborn in a new body. Under Christian belief one can expect to live in a heavenly paradise once one’s time runs out on earth. These are just two examples, but the extension of the self beyond its physical expiration date is a common thread in religious texts.
These promises of new life and mystifying promise lands are not simply handed out to everyone, however. They require an individual to faithfully practice and participate in accordance to the demands of specific commandments, doctrines, rituals, or tenants. Furthermore, despite one’s own faith in the words of an ancient text, or the messages of a religious figure, an individual will remain exposed to the trials, tribulations, and discomforts that exist in the world. During these instances a theodicy — a religious explanation for such sufferings — can help keep one’s faith by providing justification as to why bad things happen to good, faithful people. Theodicy is an attempt to explain or justify the existence of bad things or instances that occur in the world, such as death, disaster, sickness, and suffering. Theodicies are especially relied on to provide reason as to why a religion’s God (or God-like equivalent) allows terrible things to happen to good people.
Because none of the Allie countries saw Italy or Japan as a serious long term threat so they created the "Europe First" strategy that said the Pacific would be the second priority until Hitler was defeated.
1) Making Inferences In what ways do you think the events during Elizabeth’s youth molded her character?
- Although these events somewhat traumatized the Princess, they also molded her into a strong, independent personality.
2) Interpreting Significance Queen Elizabeth’s refusal to marry was a controversial political decision at the time. Why? Why might Elizabeth have chosen to remain single?
- Because there could not be a queen in a monarchy before a country without a king, it was necessary if or if (male chauvinism of the time). Moreover, Elizabeth decided not to marry anyone, because her greatest wish was to be committed to her country, to be loved and respected by its inhabitants/citizens; and to reign on the throne of England until the day she died.