The answer is demonstrating to men the way they should treat their wives.
Fanny Fern was was demonstrating to men how they should treat their wives.
Fanny fern said if men treat their wives the way they should; treating them properly with love and care, women will definitely submit to them.
For example, if husband is showing affection, caring and generosity to his wife such wife will be submissive.
The order helped by acquiring wealth to ransom Christians who were taken by Non-Christians during the crusades. Many crusaders were captured and countries had to pay huge amounts of money for them which was often not worth it. The trinity was established to help the crusaders by getting those people home.
After Congress has approved a proposed amendment to the Constitution, what then must take place before that amendment becomes law? The president must approve it. Three-quarters of the states must approve it. The Supreme Court must approve it.