L'accord des participes passés qui changent avec "AVOIR" se produit lorsque ►
C- le COD est devant le verbe de la <em>("rasse" ??) </em>forme composée
<u><em>Les gâteaux</em></u><em> que j'ai mang</em><u><em>é</em></u><u><em>s</em></u><em> étaient délicieux. Mes amis </em><u><em>les</em></u><em> </em><em>ont tous aim</em><u><em>é</em></u><em><u>s</u></em><em>.</em>
<u><em>Les fleurs</em></u><em> que tu as ramassé</em><u><em>es</em></u><em> sont magnifiques. Pierre </em><em><u>les</u></em><em> a</em> <em>mis</em><em><u>es</u></em><em> dans un vase</em>
hope this helps ☺☺☺
The name qualifies things, animals, people. He can be :
- a common name
Ex: horse - earth
- a proper name.
Ex: Jean - France
The determinant is a word that gives the gender (male or female) and the number (singular or plural). He can be :
- a definite article: the la ...
- an indefinite article: one of the ...
- a possessive determinant: my mother ...
- a demonstrative determinant: what this these ...
- an indefinite determinant: some few ...
Expansions of the name
Name expansions provide additional information. We can remove them, and the sentence must remain correct.
The adjectives qualifying epithets
Ex: a nice man, a gray cat, an unhappy girl
Additions to the name
They can be :
- another name: Ex: the fire truck
- an infinitive verb: Ex: a washing machine
Subordinate clauses relating to:
Ex: the cat I found
do not forget to add me as the best answer please
It's the person's birthday.
<em>Bonjour ! </em>
De quelle couleur est la robe ?
<em>La robe est blanche.</em>
1.days- jours
Sept jours
2.sincerely- cordialement
3.correction - correction
4.Appalling - épouvantable