An autobiography is a first-person account of an entire life, while a memoir uses a person’s life story to elevate a larger theme or idea.
The answer is D obviously
maby this will help
that one day that i first saw him standing thiermy heart lept out of my chest. it wasent until later that i finaly relized that we were ment to be.ok so this is proboply not how it happend. so truth to be told we kind of were rivals like as in forever. but it turns out that we were not so diffrent i mean we were both on the guys soccer team.yeah not the best way to meet people. I mean im a girl and kind of beat my former rival at a sport he has been playing his whole life.
The military can make people leave any designated military area.
Executive Order 9066 issued by President Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, allowed military and it commanding ranks to designate military areas from which any or all persons may be excluded and it was this order that resulted in the relocation of 112,000 Japanese Americans living on the West Coast into internment camps.
My friend what is it about? How can i help you !