A hungry wolf shouted at his pack.
A comfortable couch sat in the lounge, waiting to be accompanied.
A car ran down the highway.
A cell phone sang its ringtone.
A butterfly danced through the air.
A dinosaur settled down to rest.
Stars beamed the night sky, looking down on the earth.
Mountains sat omnipotently, watching over the surrounding villages.
Ocean waves ran along the shoreline.
A boiling pot sighed steam out once the lid was opened.
That is true. When there were famine and catastrophes in the Aztec empire, they realized that was due to the fact they didn't offer enough human sacrifices to their gods. Therefore, The Flower Wars were fought.
The second one: You are, if I'm not mistaken, a good person for this experiment.
The first sentence, "You are, if I'm not mistaken a good person, for this experiment." does not have a comma after "mistaken", where there should be one. After "a good person", there should not be a comma.
This is the correct answer
<h2>Stanley loved playing soccer: thus he also enjoyed running.</h2>
as you can see the two dot represents a a part of sentence and the quite shall be placed after the thus and a period at the last