A dream deferred tells us what will happen if we postpone our dream too long. A deferred dream make us lifeless like a raisin in the sun. The pain will be worse because it is untreated, fester like a sore.
Gerrymandering is a process of gaining political advantage. It is achieved by manipulation of electoral using certain tactics. Therefore, gerrymandering can thwart the purpose of single-member district elections because districts will favor one political party over another in this case.
The theme of the story is "trusting family and friends when you need them"
It is easy to identify the theme, since the main character goes through an ordeal when he gets lost; however, relying on a friend lets him find the way out of the situation.
Building long-life relationships is also shown in the story as a virtue, since the character had a shy personality and it was really hard for him to make friends.