Scenes of everyday life in New York City
John Sloan (1871- 1951) was an American painter and artist who is credited with, being among the founders of Ashcan school of American Art.
Sloan during his initial days, worked as a artist with commercial newspaper. Thereafter, he joined 8 talented artists for a protest against National Academy, which went on to reform the American art.
Sloan's works of art, his paintings usually dealt with the subject of urban New York life that he witnessed himself while walking down the streets and in his own neighborhood. His observation of human behavior on the streets of New York, formed one of the the subjects of his paintings.
Sloan was also highly interested in social reforms , moving pictures and cinematic beauty.
Thé Vatican a monument that is precious
The Baroque style is complex and distinctive while the Classic is more light and rational, but both have a lot of drama, situation and action.
Baroque music, as well as folk art and architecture of the Baroque period, places an emphasis on adornment. Immediately after the Renaissance, Baroque composers were the first to establish multiple instrumentation and use complex harmonies in their compositions. Baroque music favored the strings and other harpsichord instruments, while the classical period preferred the piano, brass and wind instruments. Baroque music also allowed much more improvisation of classical music and featured many more opportunities for soloing ensemble. Baroque composers were also the first to establish opera as a musical genre.
Classical music is generally considered to have started with the invention of sonata. Early classical music was one of the first to express two different moods using sonatas - one more lyrical and one fast-paced - while Baroque music, and its predecessors composed only one mood per movement. The classical era also saw the emphasis on the piano as the main instrument used for performing compositions. Classical composers are governed by many structure rules, notably the evolution of ABA rondo style or ABACA, as opposed to the more common ABACABA baroque rondo style.
Images of Jesus was not there in the old testament.
The main characteristics of Reformation art sprang from Protestant theology which focused on the individual relationship between the worshiper and God. This emphasis was reflected in the number of common people and ordinary everyday scenes that were portrayed in Protestant art.
In the old testament it is said that Jesus first appeared in the form of Angel and there were no exact images of Jesus Christ prescribed in The old testament.