"<span>It was practiced in Ancient Greece and Rome, yet became less common with the rise of Christianity" would be the best option from the list, since Christians tended to think that it was a sin. </span>
Dadaji Konddev was Shivaji's tutor.
A year before the Pilgrims made their famed journey to New England, signing the “Mayflower Compact” and thus inaugurating so many of the myths that we believe about our democratic origins, a very different ship disembarked in that older English colony to the south, Jamestown. Aug. 20, 1619, marked the arrival of 20 enslaved Africans in English North America, “bought for victuale … at the best and easiest rate they could” as recorded by the tobacco planter John Rolfe (Pocahontas’s husband), some 15 months before the Mayflower supposedly landed near Plymouth Rock.
The Civil Rights Act ended discrimination/segregation in employment, promotions, firing, voter registration, usage of federal funds, and public places based on race or sex.
For 18 bolts you can get 14 horses that's what i got