I do not know his goals but I know several accomplishments. He painted the Mona Lisa, he created an alarm clock that yanked your feet up to wake you up, he invented bicycles, and he created a metal lion to please the king.
The primary reason for Romans for the use of music was entertainment which included spectacles. Those spectacles were often public events that the other people were watching or cheering, for example, gladiator fights. Gladiator fights were meant for entertainment and they were including men fighting(gladiator) with the wild beast.
The center of Roman entertainment was The roman amphitheater in Rome.
This kind of entertainment was important for the Roman emperor because in that way he was wanting people to forget about poverty.
Other kinds of entertainment that they had were, for example, Roman roads, Roman baths and Roman villas. They were also loving the theaters and people were acting in the city and in the empire.
Chariot racing was also interested entertainment and also performances.