The speaker (Shakespeare) in the sonnet praises his beloved by comparing his beloved to a “summer’s day is explained below in details.
Sonnet 18 is complicated and, at one level, it is as explained in the statement preceding. The nature of its opportunity quatrain is, admittedly, positive but, correspondingly disappointed by the restrictions of the sonnet custom and tradition and its application of stock comparisons, to display a love which the lover appears to surpass.
Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2
This speech reveals that Hamlet abhorred his uncle and mother's marriage immediately after the death of his father. They could not even pay some respects to the dead by waiting some time before marrying. In his heart, he questioned the reason for the hurry.
Though he could not clearly form the reason for the hurried marriage, he suspected that Claudius and his mother married so quickly to close the done deal of active participation in the murder of his father.
The Tragedy of Hamlet is a play authored by William Shakespeare (1599 and 1601). As Shakespeare's longest play, it was written to highlight the painfulness and misery of human life in the face of doubt and uncertainty. Hamlet teaches us that acting shamefully only leads to more shame and regret.
Calpurnia means just because Scout's family might be better off, wealth and class wise, than the Cunninghams Scout cannot go around treating them as if she is above them or has a higher rank. Calpurnia is correct and is trying the kids perspective of the Cunningham's point of view and adding her experience to back up her lesson, with emotion, since the kids visit a colored Church ever so often.
"During the rock concert" would be the subject, as "an amplifier exploded on stage" would be the predicate.