Assonance is the similarity or resemblance of words or sounds. It is the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words and can affect the rhythm, tone, or mood of the any sound or text.
Repeating some certain vowel sounds can also create a melancholy mood
Here in this case, the sounds are similar both the times when ball hits the bat or it hits the mitt. Therefore, we can say that this is an example of assonance.
"<u>It's about the ball, the bat, and the mitt./ Ball hits bat, or it hits mitt.</u>" This is an example of consonance. It is a sound device related to repetitive sounds produced by consonants within a sentence/phrase (refers to the repetition of ending sounds that are consonants). Often used to create a rhyme/cadence. It also uses repeated sounds in the middle of a word. Consonance occurs so long as identical consonant sounds are close together. It is a figure of speech.