D. Capital
In a factor market household contribute several factors of production for the production of a finished goods; so house hold can provide all 3 except Capital because the companies are the purchasers in this case since the want to produce a finished product.
Al qaeda was a group just like isis this group was a terrosit group and was lead by osama been lattin. On sectember 11th citizens of newyork citite experienced a horrofiing experience when two planes struck the twin towers. Many people were killed. This news reached obama and he sent a group on navy to afghanistan to kill osama beenlattin the mission was sucsesfull and they killed him. Now the twin towers is replaced with the empire state building
Can you mark me as brainliest pls need 1 more.
The correct answer is letter A
North Korea is a country formed through the division of ancient Korea, fragmented in 1948, according to the geopolitical interests of the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), giving rise to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).
The creation of these two new countries occurred during the Potsdam Conference, where the dividing line was established - Yalta and Ptstan, in the 38 ° parallel. Therefore, two autonomous nations were created with opposing geopolitical ideologies: North Korea, with a communist system, supported by the Soviet Union; and South Korea, capitalist, supported by the United States.