Ustedes - están
Ellos/Ellas - están
El/Ella - esta
Nosotros/nosotras - estamos
Yo - estoy
Vosotros/vosotras - estamos
Usted - esta
Tu - estás
1. las mujeres son viejas
2. los jovenes estan contentos
3. los estudiantes estan tristes
4. el hombre esta ocupado
5. los primos estan contentos
6. el joven es alto
7. la mujer es baja
8. la chica esta enferma
Ive taken spanish 4 already and this is an easy task from spanish 1
I have no idea of the verbs you learnt, but from the two examples you wrote, I can see your examples are based on the verb "estar". Although, the verbs estar and ser are alike, the examples you cited are premised on estar. Thus, my examples will be based on the verb.
Mi cumpleaños es el próxima semana -
My birthday is next week
La escuela esta cerrado ahora -
The school is closed now
Mi música favorita es "Despacito" -
My favorite music is "Despacito"
Mi teléfono es nuevo pero es pequeño, y entonces, no me gusta -
My phone is new but it's small and so, I don't like it.
Mi hermana mayor es baja -
My elder sister is short.
I hope that works for you
Desfiles coloridos is colorfull parades.
It has to be that one because all the others have nothing to do with a carnival.
<span>la fiesta rosada is the pink party
</span><span>procesiones religiosas is r</span><span>eligious processions
</span><span>visitas al cementerio is visits to the cemetery.</span>