ماذا؟ لكني ظننت أن معنى الغباء هو أنت؟
لا تحاول أن تكون لئيما... مجرد محاولة ليكون مضحكا ولكن ايم متأكد من أنها لم تنجح
Translated it says
The leader of the Roman, who, in carrying on the war, he came to visit to Greece, to Rome, to the life, many things are beautiful.
Hope it helps
is that a question because i someone answers with another app is is community guidlines not to break it sorry i can't say the answer
the spanish word for pager is buscapersonas
The enlightenment thinkers believed very strongly in rationally and science. they felt they could use the scientific method to improve human society.
the romantics rejected the whole idea of reason and science