The correct answer is forging
Summary: Chapter 5
As Ralph walks along the beach, he thinks about how much of life is an improvisation and about how a considerable part of one’s waking life is spent watching one’s feet. Ralph is frustrated with his hair, which is now long, mangy, and always manages to fall in front of his eyes. He decides to call a meeting to attempt to bring the group back into line. Late in the evening, he blows the conch shell, and the boys gather on the beach.
At the meeting place, Ralph grips the conch shell and berates the boys for their failure to uphold the group’s rules. They have not done anything required of them: they refuse to work at building shelters, they do not gather drinking water, they neglect the signal fire, and they do not even use the designated toilet area. He restates the importance of the signal fire and attempts to allay the group’s growing fear of beasts and monsters. The littluns, in particular, are increasingly plagued by nightmare visions. Ralph says there are no monsters on the island. Jack likewise maintains that there is no beast, saying that everyone gets frightened and it is just a matter of putting up with it. Piggy seconds Ralph’s rational claim, but a ripple of fear runs through the group nonetheless.
An hour of physical education should be included in every student's school day because exercise and ground field activities helps in improving the health and mental state of a student.
In today's competitive world, a huge pressure and stress in mainly thrown on the school students especially the young children. Exercise is one of the roles in life that makes any aged person healthy in such case, games and an hour under the sun enhances and relaxes the mind and body of a student mentally and physically. Physical education is not a temporary good health but it keeps a student healthy for a long period of time and therefore an hour of physical education should be included in student's everyday school life not just for an escape route from pressure but also to take them away from today's technology for quite few minutes.
Enjoys, find, feels, placing
1. Kavita/She is only one person, so you must put 's'
He / She / It = Must put 's'
I / You / They / We = No 's'
2. After could, must put root word. No need to change for (find)
3. By = must + ing at the end.
<span>It can change the meaning of a phrase or sentence. If a poet wants to be intentionally ambiguous, to add something to the poem, then punctuation can help accomplish that. If not, if the poet wants the meaning to be clear, it is necessary for the punctuation to be used correctly.
Hope it helped! :)</span>