Ex means out of
excrete means to put out
ex-husband is the husband that was put out of the relationship
extinguish means to put out
answer is put out or out or from
In this one, the subject of world war II and the history teacher have nothing to do with whether or not he likes salads.
No. because the quotations are BEFORE the period. Some titles have periods, so that's fine, but it's not supposed to be "titanic." it's supposed to be "Titanic".

Charlie found squirrels arranged in the room who were shelling nuts and throwing the bad nuts in the garbage chute. Verruca wanted a trained squirrel as a pet, she asked her father, Mr. Wonka, to get purchase one. The squirrels were not for sale, so Verruca went inside and tried to take one squirrel, the squirrels got mad and started to attack her and see if she was a bad nut. The squirrels then threw Verruca into the garbage chute thinking she was a bad nut.
must,have,do not,cannot, have to