Bias in favor of Jack Kennedy
Jack Kennedy's picture is above Nixon's. On top of that, his right to wrong vote ratio is 120:2 which is incredible. On the other hand, they said Nixon's was 10:59. Thus, portraying the picture that Jack Kennedy is better.
The allies attempted to score a victory against the Ottoman Empire because there was a stalemate in Europe so the Allies decided to focus on defeating the Ottomans to gain access to the Middle East and their oil.
The correct answer is ( save ) capitalism.
Monarchy powers reduced, and the role of the common man in the society became important.
The Glorious Revolution took place in England in 1688, which overthrew of Catholic King James II and replaced William III and his wife Mary II. The revolution followed by a series of Acts passed by the parliament to formulate constitution agreements and reduce the monarchy powers. The new settlement defended parliamentary prerogatives and brought a politics in English traditions.
The American Revolution ended British colonial rule and brought changes in socially, politically, and economically. The founding fathers introduced constitutions by protecting the rights of people.
The French Revolution ended the absolute monarch in France and introduced a representative government.
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