82.5820063 if you do that with straight math
We can approach science from various angles. It may be that our aim is to solve a problem or to try to understand something. But, at the same time, what we find in it as explanatory or credible may be different if our profession is to be a trader, an importer of industrial equipment, a researcher or a teacher. Our concerns about science may differ according to the angle from which we think about it. That is to say, what is important when judging or evaluating science is different according to our relationship with it at certain times: whether we see it as producers, disseminators or consumers. Therefore, from the outset we have an area of complexity in thinking about science from our starting point.
Hours Wages = $7.5 / Hour
Since we do not know the tips , let us assume it is x
Carmen Worked 24 hours
Total amount she earned = (24*7.5) + x = 250
180 + x = 250
x = 250-180 = 70
Carmen should earn tips more than $ 70 in 24 hours in order her to receive more than $250 in that week
1. Hailstones are formed when raindrops are carried upward by thunderstorm updrafts into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere and freeze. Hailstones then grow by colliding with liquid water drops that freeze onto the hailstone's surface.
2. It's slightly complicated to me because you have to take into consideration the change in pressure as well as the geometric growth of the volume of a sphere as you increase the radius.
3. When you are measuring the air temperature, be sure to have the thermometer in the shade. If the sun shines on the thermometer, it heats the liquid. Then the reading is higher than the true air temperature. Also, when you take the thermometer outside, give it enough time to adjust to the outdoor air temperature. That might take several minutes.
Hope that helps (: