Beowulf is battling against evil because he sailed to the Danes to rescue them from Grendel. It is evident in lines 195 onwards to fight Grendel. SO when the night came, Beowulf and his warriors waited in the hall for Grendel to come. Together with his warriors, they sailed to help King Hrothgar defeat Grendel who continued to kill his men.
Conflict in a story
Conflict in a story is a struggle between opposing forces. ... Conflict in a story creates and drives the plot forward. External conflict refers to the obstacles a character faces in the external world. Internal conflict refers to a character's internal or emotional obstacles
Run on sentence. A comma splice is a sentence that uses a comma when it should instead be either a colon, semicolon, or conjunction, and there is no comma so that is wrong. There should also be a period between bed and he. Here is what the complete senctwnces would look like: My dog sleeps beside my bed. He wakes me up in the middle of the night to let him out.
Context clues are the clues that are given by the author to the readers to try and understand meaning of difficult words in context to the text.
Context clues are the hints which are given to the readers of the text by the author to try and understand the meaning of the difficult words keeping in mind the context of the text.
The clue may appear in the same line itself in which the word is. Just because the vocabulary that we gain comes from the reading that we do, we must take advantage of the context clues while we are reading to improve our vocabulary.