You have to ask you teacher to show you which ones you got wrong and the answers to them.
Answered below
The next line is 1.
The python count function returns the number of times an element appears in a tuple or a list.
In the tupleB tuple, 7 is passed into the count function. The number of times 7 appears in tupleB is just once alongside 5, 2.7, 10 and 5. Therefore, the count function returns 1 in the next line.
Change it however you'd like
from math import pi
def findArea(rad):
return (rad**2) * pi
print(f"Area of the circle: {findArea(5)}")
// Variable to keep track of array size
int length = 0;
// Array itself
int array[] = {};
// while loop will take input in the array until a negative number is entered
stdin = new Scanner(;
array[length] = stdin;
length +=1;
// int variable to terminate while loop
int i =0;
// keep track of index of output array
int y =0;
while(arr[i] != length){
// making output array
int output[]={}; bool flag;
// put the element in out put array considering if it the desired one
output[y] = array [i];
// Now check if it was the desired?
for(int z=1;z<=length;z++){
flag = true;
if(array[i+z+1]=output[y] && flag == true){
output[y] = array[i];
//output the array
for(int o=0;o<y;o++)
To complete the sentence - Methods can be overload methods correctly by providing different parameter lists for methods with the same name.
Thank you for posting your question here at brainly. I hope the answer will help you. Feel free to ask more questions.