The correct answer is William Sherman.
Sherman is often remembered for "Sherman's March to the Sea." Sherman, along with federal forces, used total warfare throughout the state of Georgia. This concept of total war consisted of destroying railroad tracks, burning crops, and burning down important buildings/homes of southern citizens. This attack helped lead to the downfall of the South, as the destruction of railroad tracks and food reduced the amount of resources available for the Confederacy.
Civil rights movement
Explanation:This movement changed history forever. This movement showed a peaceful protest . African americans finally gotten the same rights as white people. This has shown the whole country that african americans are equals and should be treated as such.
What is the question and then I’ll answer
An absolute monarchy is one in which the king is God's representative on Earth, giving him absolute power that's free from all restraints. He created a centralized state that gave him complete power over the French government. King Louis XIV was an absolute monarch because he answered only to God.
During the second half of the 1920s, Joseph Stalin set the stage for gaining absolute power by employing police repression against opposition elements within the Communist Party.