It knows how to remember data and where to find that data. In other words, it knows how the raw memory works. (RAM).
It understands how to make a program run within the confines of its logical steps in an order that makes the program work the way the user intends.
It can be made to display short cuts, or any icon or picture (not an obvious talent).
It can search for unwanted intruders like ads or viruses.
It can can time events even to the point of getting your coffee ready for you with the proper add on.
polynomial-bounded algorithms
There are two algorithm complexities and they are time and space complexities. They can be denoted with the big-O notation. The big-o notation for a time and space complexity gets the worst-case time and space respectively.
The time complexity gets the measure of the execution time of an algorithm. When the time function is a polynomial ( k^n + k^n-1 ...) then the algorithm is said to be a polynomial-bounded algorithm.
Demilitarized zone (DMZ).
Demilitarized zone is a kind of security assurance scheme used by network administrator to detect network breach even before it gets to the secured network.
The private LAN is protected with a firewall and a DMZ is configured to allow access by untrusted users, on another workstation, which is a duplicate of the companies private local address.