The Cascade of the melody helped the child to fall into a peaceful slumber.
C - conversations with myself. According to the works cited, Mandela was the author of this text. According to the research paper, the reference specified the author is Mandela.
√ The children CAN run fast
× The children CAN'T run fast
? CAN the children run fast?
√ Ted CAN buy this house
× Ted CAN'T buy this house
? CAN Ted buy this house?
√ Little Marshal CAN read story book
× Little Marshal CAN'T read story book
? CAN little Marshal read story book
× cook
2. Can Alan cook?
• No, he can't
× Drive a bus
3. Can Alan drive a bus?
• No, he can't
√ Dance
4. Can Alan dance?
• Yes, he can
× Fix his computer
5. Can Alan fix his computer?
• No, he can't
√ Draw pictures
6. Can Alan draw pictures?
• Yes, he can