When you read sentence A, it doesn't sound fluent.
- Personal Identity.
Identity itself is something that is associated with the characteristics or traits that differentiates an individual or group from the others in the society. <u>'Personal identity' is affiliated to the unique or exclusive set of these traits that makes an individual stand apart from the rest of the people or unlike anyone else.</u> Each individual is distinct from another not only physically but also in their attributes, personality, behavior, thoughts, beliefs, etc. and these distinctness exemplifies the uniqueness that lies in every individual and function to separate them from the others.
Stowe implies that when the daughter very much resembled the mother the mother became very jealous that her own daughter was just ss much if not more beautiful than her. The mom felt like all her traits were put into the daughter aka taken away from herself into the kid. The mother later became so...depressed in a way referring to how her health sank.
students of coleman middle school from the years 2020-2021