A. attach on the dragon. we had this as a question last week during academic week in the Beowulf test. key component: it says LEADER of the Geats(Swed) and that means AFTER he killed Grendel and became King so it eliminates D when hes chasing Grendel. the other two options are just... no ._.,
sooo none of those make any sense but the only one that i think makes the closest amount of cetce is D
i am so sorry if this the wrong answer.
Elegies are formal poems that reflect on death or other solemn, serious themes.
Usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead. Although a speech at a funeral is a eulogy, you might later compose an elegy to someone you have loved and lost to the grave.
Nationalism is dangerous to globalization.
Although nationalism and globalization can coexist, nationalism is very dangerous for the purposes of globalization. This is because globalization aims to promote a great global network of cooperation, where national borders are forgotten and all peoples share their resources, discoveries and benefits. Nationalism, on the other hand, is characterized as the over-valorization of national concepts and values, that is, of a single nationality and a single culture. In this case, nationalism can combat global cooperation and reinforce national and cultural boundaries, which is totally against the objectives of globalization.