The rescue team comforted the dolphin as they covered its body with wet cloth and an umbrella to prevent sunburn. Staff raised the animal's head to help it breathe, and moved it to deeper water inch by inch. The rescue process took seven hours as police, reserve staff and local fishermen joined hands.
Technical writing<span> is a type of </span>writing<span> where the author is </span>writing<span> about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of </span>writing<span> has a very different purpose and different characteristics than other </span>writing<span> styles such as creative </span>writing<span>, academic </span>writing<span> or business </span>writing<span>.</span>
<span>Cold is to freeze as heat is to melt</span>
<span>cold is opposite of heat </span>
<span>freeze is opposite of melt</span>
Hope this helps. :)