Both leaders promised to restore national pride during a time of crisis.
German after the Treaty of Versailles, face instability in the country with economic depression and political instability which allowed Hitler to come into power by promising a stable situation with a rising economy and pride. Italy after World War I slipped into political chaos where politicians were weak and corrupted. Strong fascism began to rise in the nation among the people. Both Adolf Hitler's Nazi party (Nazism) and Benito Mussolini's Fascist party (Fascism) rule German and Italy through a dictatorship. Both displayed Nationalism through taking it to an extreme by uniting their states with leading mass marches and military parades.
Mississippi River and idk second
It was principally the fact that the British Navy was carrying off American sailors and making them work for on the ship of British vessels during the Napoleonic Wars that caused the United States to carry out economic sanctions (commercial and financial penalties applied by one or more countries contrary to a directed country, group, or individual) against them.
It has been established that the price is determined according to the request for goods by the consumers and the quantity provided by the producers, thus creating a balance in which consumers will want to acquire everything that producers of goods and services producers at the agreed price, and producers are also willing to take their production levels that consumers are demanded, always keeping a balance; since otherwise, the producers would lose to having an excess of goods and very few consuming them, which in turn, would force to lower too much the costs so as not to have a huge loss of profits.