-a research paper by a social historian that describes and analyzes African American pop culture in the early twentieth century.
This research will give a basic understanding of African American music before the historian find its connection with the European music tradition
-a research paper by a cultural historian that analyzes different jazz styles and how they developed.
From this research this historian will find all aspects that indluece the styles and development of jazz, and will most likely to find a connection with the European music tradition
General jean-baptiste kléber
by granting US veterans benefits to attend universities
Question- Who won the first day of the battle? How?
Answer- The British captured just three square miles of territory on the first day. Britain hoped to make the decisive blow against Germany on the banks of the Somme river in northern France after two years of stalemate in the trenches.
The Church; during the Medieval era, the Catholic Church taught that art was expected to be used specifically to honor God. Medieval artists did not take credit for their work because they were supposed to be like gifts to God. However, with the rise of humanism, Renaissance artists began focusing on other, secular aspects of life like the human body. This did not make the Church happy.