Greenhouse affect - atmosphere traps heat
Ice age - coldest phase of climate cycle
Sun's output - can vary
Greenhouse gases - atmosphere traps even more heat
Factors of Production and Competition (honorable mentions are Accumulation of Capital and Private Property)
What do you mean do you need someone to write a report on global warming and if so what are the requirements.
Lattitude is going side to side and longitude is up and down so on a map you would put your finger on the longitude number and your other finger on the lattitude number and follow the lines connected to the number until the lines touch each other, where the lines touch each other is where you should plot your point.
My point of view is if you were living waaayyyyy back then
- fresh water
- food
- fertile soil
- trading
- easier travel
- can connect cities
- flooding
- vulnerable to invasions
- water could dry up
- seasonal changes