I calmly woke up thinking everything was great! The sun was shining, birds chirping. I went downstairs to eat breakfast before I got ready for school. I saw my mother and said hello... but she replied "Where are you honey?". I hastily replied "I'm right here mom" but she still did not see me. I rushed to the bathroom and realized "I WAS INVISIBLE!" I was scared and nervous at first but then I realized.... "I don't have to go to school!!" I was very excited about that so I walked to the ice cream truck and got ice cream for free! I was thinking of what to do and realized "I can go to school and get all of the drama and secrets". That's when I saw the school bus taking people to school. But then again I was still in my pajamas... but nobody could see me I was invisible! I got on the bus and we got to school much faster than it normally takes. I had to remember to be very quiet although I was invisible everyone could still hear me! I walked inside of my school and saw my best friends! I wanted to go say hello to them but instead just walked up and listened. They were talking about me! I heard one of them say "How should we arrange this" and then the other said "Hmm not sure but she is going to be so surprised" I started to think what if they are going to embarrass me in front of everyone or maybe something even worse! I started getting very nervous. I left school quickly and saw the time. School was almost over! I was wondering where all the time went but then remembered waking up and my friends not being there. I must have passed out from being so nervous! I went into my all of my classrooms and grabbed copies of the work so i could do my work and bring it in tomorrow. I went home and sat down. "Time to get this work done" I said to myself. I finished the first assignment but then I got distracted and next thing I know i'm sleeping and it is 7 in the morning. "Wow I fell asleep not finishing my work.. oh well" I shrugged. I jolted out of my seat "Maybe i'm not invisible!" I saw that I wasn't invisible! I did enjoy being invisible but I like being able to hang out with my friends and family more.
Macbeth is fearful about hearing the witches prediction about his future because killing the king was considered sinful so therefore he would be a sinner however he was excited about the prediction of his future because he would be a king meaning he would gain power.