Basically the study of rocks
Government and politics impacts nearly every aspect of our lives. Having this understanding can help you determine the best course of action for yourself and your family, regarding a wide range of issues. Also having knowledge of politics helps make you an informed voter.
The Torah describes the basic laws of Judaism; the Talmud is a collection of opinions on legal issues
The Torah refers to teachings, instructions. It is the law. The Torah is the five books of Moses. It is also used to refer to the Hebrew bible. The Torah contains the laws of judaism.
The talmud is made up of rabbinic teachings. These teachings are used to interpret and also used in the expansion if the Torah. The talmud is made up of mishnah (oral law) and the gemara
Usually famine causes angst between the weakened civilation so the owners of said territories usually hunt for more fertile land so they can sustain their growing population without having being thrown out of power and slain, its often better to satisfy the people who you govern rather than to exterminate to govern the population steadily.
and to own more land is more money and more power for such rulers, if they own more land they can tax more people, and if they own fertile land they can grow crops to sustain themselves, and the people they govern, satisfying the ruler AND the people.