its important because you need to know when you need to earn more to put in and make sure that you have enough to buy stuff and live off it.
or else you'll be at the store buying stuff and ur card declines and u look lol
we enjoyed a Christmas together at home
Reagan finds it difficult to focus during class
they all have to do with absolute phrases, like within, over, under, in, on, etc.
First-person immediately puts the reader inside the narrator's head, which allows for an intimate portrayal of thoughts and emotions. You can effectively communicate how each moment feels—delivering sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch—through the prism of your narrator.
Id say hopeful than angry because he's on a highway hoping nothing bad happens then something happens the hes mad
In Panama long pants or a knee length skirt are required. You shoulders must always be covered and men should wear polo's or button down shirts at all times. Shoes must also always cover your toes. While in america you have the right to choose your own outfits and usually do so based on the weather. Panamas dress code is similar to Americas because many times people in America will wear knee length shorts or skirts. Especially for formal events. Hope this helps :)