B is the answer to number 1
Felix Mendelssohn
At two separate times, Felix Mendelssohn composed music for William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream (in German Ein Sommernachtstraum). First in 1826, near the start of his career, he wrote a concert overture (Op.
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The nickelodeon was a type of indoor exhibition space that was dedicated to showing projected motion pictures. These can be considered the beginnings of cinemas. Nickelodeons were cheap (they charged a nickel) and were particularly popular in the early and mid 1900s. This was due to several advantages.
First of all, nickelodeons were very affordable, which made them appealing to a wide audience. This came at a time when the urban middle class was rising. Moreover, these theatres offered a continuous selection of short films, which meant that they provided leisure activities at almost any time. The owners relied on "film exchanges" to have access to a wide variety of new films. This meant that the same audiences would keep coming back, as the content provided was new. This was a great advantage to the patron.