The Black Codes, sometimes called Black Laws, were laws governing the conduct of African Americans (free blacks). The best known of them were passed in 1865 and 1866 by Southern states, after the American Civil War, in order to restrict African Americans' freedom, and to compel them to work for low wages. However, Black Codes existed before the Civil War, and many Northern states had them. In 1832, "in most of the United States, there is a distinction in respect to political privileges, between free white persons and free coloured persons of African blood; and in no part of the country do the latter, in point of fact, participate equally with the whites, in the exercise of civil and political rights."
The American Revolution led to the creation of a democratic republic.
During many decades of the 19th century Industrial Revolution, workers conditions were terrible and often inhuman. They were exploited by factory owners. They worked too long, often for 15-20 hours per day; received miserable salaries; worked and lived in unsanitary conditions; they and their families were malnourished and in poor health. This situation affected women, as well as men and children. In the case of women, they had an additional problem which was the fact that they did not have enought time to take cafe of their children, as they had to spend so many hours outside home working in factories.
The answer should be Moche but It was kinda hard to see
Passed on September 18, 1850 by Congress, The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was part of the Compromise of 1850. The act required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in a free state. The act also made the federal government responsible for finding, returning, and trying escaped slaves.