The corporations arose because the massive industries needed more expert management.
Can you please comment the question.. itmight just be me but can you simplify it..?
The type of art with no visible subject is abstract art
During the Great Depression, many families received food
from the bread lines.
The Great Depression left the nation devastated. Families were financially
unable to scrape up money for their next meal. Breadlines and soup
kitchens were established as charitable organizations giving free bread and
soup to the impoverished.
Governments use normative economics, and businesses use positive economics.
Normative economics concentrates on the importance of economic equity, or what the marketplace 'should be' or 'ought to be' whether positive economics is based on experience and cannot be confirmed or disallowed, normative economics is established on worth judgments. An example of positive economics is, an increment in tax rates eventually results in a reduction in total tax wealth. On the other hand, normative economics is, unemployment hurts an economy more than inflation.