○ Both words suggest a short and quick motion
Pls make me the brainliest
Technology has changed my life completely it does everything it needs to and it always gives you the answers you need. My life is very different now due to technology because I can easily access the internet to get answers to my Questions I often think about. These changes I have had due to technology have affected in good and bad ways their had been times technology has been bad but there has been good times. The world isn’t changing too fast it is progressing slow and we all need to accept that fact the world changing and we must learn to adapt to it because sooner or later the world is gonna change again the world changes everyday around us and we must learn to deal with for it is a matter of evolution of this world.
This poem refers to the real-word issue of the genocide of the Jewish population in Europe during Second World War, and specifically to the systematic extermination in the death camps, where people got tatoos with numbers upon their arrival
A quote or citation is a literal statement made by someone, quoted by someone else. Quoting differs from paraphrasing in that the latter form reflects ideas of others in their own words (the idea is maintained, but the form is different from quoting).
When citing phrases, your own text should be written in such a way that the quote is seamlessly integrated. If that is not entirely successful without, for example, moving a verb from the quotation or putting it in a different tense, then this operation should be marked by putting the word between square brackets. If something from the quoted part is not quoted, the omission must be marked with an ellipsis: three dots between round brackets.
‘how to’ would be the significant phrase that makes it parallel