Homo Agricola ego sum
Nos vates
est aqua in mari
Et in Italia
Et mulieres
In domo in domum
you are a nauta
Ea puella est
Florida est paeninsula
Sunt insulae
from artbic to english it means ()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
It could be 'dare' or 'donare'!
Crime affect people in many ways. Every person's reaction is different.
You might suffer from :
• Headaches
• Sleep problem or fatigue
You might have feelings that come and go, like :
• Guilt
• Confusion
• Sadness
The sign for "son" is a (mutated) compound of "MALE and BABY." It is abbreviated though. The "male" part of the sign just looks like a salute. You abbreviate the BABY portion of the sign (no rocking). It sort of looks like you are saluting from your forehead to the crook of your left elbow. The left arm sometimes just hangs down during the sign SON or at least is more relaxed than in the sign for baby.