The main occupation of the tribal people was agriculture. But there were also hunter-gatherers or herders. Most often they combined these activities to make full use of the natural resources of the area in which they lived. Some tribes were nomadic moving from one place to another.Some tribal groups earned their livelihood by hunting animals and gathering forest produce. They saw the forests as essential for their survival. The Khonds were such a community living in the forests of Orissa. ... As a result, tribals often ended up taking high-interest loans from moneylenders.
Well people are starting to judge people who are apart of the LGTBQ + community present time and it didn't really matter back then. So I'm pretty sure it was best back then since people didn't really start to notice it. It was better off in the past it didn't really take any notice nor did the people start hating it. Other things made a big impact in history which caused people to not notice this community. Nowadays its kind of accepting but not as peaceful as before.