The problem was that the confederation printed it without thinking much about it which resulted in there being a lot of it and it essentially became worthless because they printed money when they needed it instead of growing the economy. Trading partners became wary and stopped trading with them.
The Speech at the Ceremony of the Proclamation of the Congo's Independence was a short ... Lumumba, the first Congolese Prime Minister, gave the address during the official ... King Baudouin, representing Belgium, gave the first speech in which he praised the "genius" of his ancestor, King Leopold II
<span>1. If my memory serves me well there were in about 350 000 African Americans who served in World War I. The huge part of them served as support troops. Only some of them fought alongside French army. According to this, the most suitable answer is: D. They served mostly in noncombad roles.
2. The Selective Service is the independent agency in the US which is used to maintain the information about those who is military conscripted. The Selective Service was designed to institute a draft to increase the number of men in the military. They provide all the names who registered to a military conscription to JARMS.</span>
The Stamp Act of 1765 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which imposed a direct tax on the British colonies in America and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp.
some reasons education, More war than teachers at home, and low in money