Parents' associations combating risky behaviours are through:
- Understand the child and communicate with them in a positive manner.
- Conveying the negative aspects of such behaviours via several activities or in some innovative way.
- Tutoring or counselling sessions are an important part.
- Try to divert their minds and involve them in some other activities
<h3>What are risky behaviours?</h3>
This is known to be anything that would put ourselves or others at risk of physical, mental, or emotional harm or abuse. This behaviour runs a risk to people involved in it.
For parents to get involved in combating risky behaviours that would endanger a child, it is very necessary to understand a child well in order to communicate effectively for the child to be prepared to receive positive communication or help from the parent.
Hence, parents' involvement in combating risky behaviour in kids or guardian is outlined above where a parent should understand a child and communicate well in a positive manner for the child to understand.
Read more about <em>risky behaviours</em> here:
Answer: u can't create another color
Just wanted to say hi in japanese is chodo hai to iitakatta
what l dont now lauege sorry l dont now
Era o zi de mai, iar eu impreuna cu colegii mei nu mai puteam astepta clopotelul de final de ora.
Din moment ce era penultima ora, noi eram deja obositi psihic deoarece am avut o teza grea in acea zi.
Cand profesorul termina de scris la tabla lectia, acesta pune creta pe suportul de la marginea tablei, insa aceasta cade fara niciun fel de motiv. Dintr.odata toate pixurile si caietele noastre incep sa se miste din ce in ce mai tare. Cu totii eram speriati din cauza faptului ca nu stiam ce se intampla. Deodata, se aude o voce din boxele amplasate in fiecare clasa care ne spune sa ne adapostim sub banci pana cand se opreste acest cutremur. Din fericire acesta nu a durat foarte mult pana cand urma sa se termine.
Din momentul in care s.a terminat pana in momentul in care am fost ghidati in curtea scolii, am auzit numai tipete si panica printre holurile scolii, cat timp profesorii incercau sa ne calmeze.
Intr.un final am reusit sa scapam teferi, si niciun elev sau profesor n.a fost ranit, insa clasele au fost deteriorate, asadar s.a anulat ultima ora pentru a se putea reface scoala.