im trying to make a big you tube channel can you subscribe you dont have to
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tell me suggestions on what to do to improve
A- It can make us feel more confident
School uniforms keep students from expressing their selves. Adults believe that if students have uniforms that it can keep them under control but if you listen to the students they reject the idea of uniforms. By allowing your students to have free dress this allows them a small amount of freedom which would in case make them respect their leaders and teachers. Just the simple fact of allowing them to wear something they enjoy allows them to show how they feel which could also help the teachers get to know their students. To all of the antagonist who believe uniforms are good things take this into thought.
I honestly do not get this question, but let me try to.</h3>
Do you mean what is the verb in this sentence? Please, let me know. I'll love to help..
- Hanna
People are restricted to projecting their personality because of external norms and social influence. Thus, as per Emerson, we understand that with yourself is "the proudest feat" and you'll have to get behind public views and accept what they say.