Salut !
Find the word borrowed from English in the following French words:
Léopold a choisi la musique.
Jean Yves et Nora ont décoré la salle.
Vous avez emballé le cadeau de Claire.
Nous avons fait la poussière .
Tu as préparé des amuse-gueules.
J'ai écrit une carte pour Claire.
des ours
in goldilocks, she was in the bears house and messed up their things
le nom de la texte est le petit poucet = le texte a comme titre =
the text has as title "le petit poucet "
idk tbh
hjictuhdhebsjdgsbznudvansusvvsjsjzbsbanajuzhwbsusuwLiz flips a coin 70 times. The coin lands heads up 49 times and tails up 21 times. Complete each statement. The theoretical probability of the coin landing heads up is what%.jeLiz flips a coin 70 times. The coin lands heads up 49 times and tails up 21 times. Complete each statement. The theoretical probability of the coin landing heads up is what%.haisuwhw
- gajabwhwihdhsueyshuwidhshjwish sh aidu8syehsjs8euheusi su rgeheidjsizbdbzgandugs zk zoo rbdnnzjzjdhhshsnnszjzhxusushsbzhjzhzhznsbausushsushshsnsbebveveveYushebsuwbehshdbshxgg sc gegsyushsnshhshsnabshbshhsbsbzbsjhehshhshh se hshhshdhhdbbshdheghehhd hejevvsggshsbabshbevvsgbevsybdhehrvhdhbdvhs7enwbyshs