Nooooo solo con los rollwireler si no con otra raza de perros
1. almuerzes
2. compres
3. lleges
4. duermas
5. hables
6. olvides
7. toques
8. seas
9. leas
10. abordes
ask if toques is correct and ask if you were right but also remember that a negative means you are basically saying to not do certain stuff in
Spanish the words negative may end in s sometimes.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is this
Pague la cuenta, por favor.
Pay the bill, please.
Sea amable.
Be nice.
Abra la ventana.
Open the window.
Guateque campesinos are very famous in Cuba. You can see it only in the countryside. There farmers sing and dance. One of the songs the dance and sing is the Guantanamera, which is very famous in Cuba.