The introduction of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney had a great effect on the plantations, as well as slavery. Before the cotton gin was invented, the production of cotton was a… painstaking business. To remove the cotton fiber from the seeds took a great amount of time.
Monopolies hinder competition because by definition, they are anti-competitive.
A monopoly is a firm that is the sole provider of a good for which there are no close substitutes.
Monopolies charge higher prices than they would in a competitive enviroment, and for this reason, they benefit the monopoly at the expense of the consumers.
Governments can set several policies to reduce monopoly power. One policy is simply to prohibit monopolies from forming, which is the case for most industries in developed nations.
Another policy is to simply take over the monopoly, and make it a public enterprise, so that the extra economic benefits of the monopoly are shared with the people (at least in theory).
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Paper was a very important element in ancient China, since it was used in very different ways and in practically all parts of society. The most common use of paper was as documents and form of communication. The paper was also used as packaging, currency, payment, books, maps, umbrella, hat and there are records that affirm that the paper was even used as doors and walls inside the houses.
It was absolutely horrible
<u>Difference between geographic expansion in New England and in the Chesapeake region:</u>
<u>New England:</u>
- New Englanders as a result of rough soil had constrained cultivating so they needed to go to timber, hide, and angling.
Homesteaders in the New England settlements suffered harshly cool winters and mellow summers.
The land was level near the coastline yet turned out to be bumpy and rugged more remote inland.
The dirt was commonly rough, making cultivating troublesome.
Chesapeake region:</u>
- The Chesapeake district was, be that as it may, extremely wealthy in soil, and cultivating turned into the primary concern.
- Tobacco, indigo, and rice were the central yields.
Religion in the Chesapeake district was not in any manner normal, with the exception of in a couple of zones.
The reaction expresses that pioneers in the Chesapeake were increasingly "socialized" with the Indians.
- The province of Maryland was expected as an asylum for Catholics in the wake of being abused when the Catholic Church isolated from the Church of England.