They influenced my life to believe in the imposible the magic the creativity and thought that goes into greece stories
A megatrend<span> is a pattern or a movement which has a major impact on business and society as a whole. We group them into five </span>megatrends<span> – globalisation, demographic changes, technology changes and climate change and sustainability.</span>
The severe recession that began in December of 2007 was caused by the bursting of the housing bubble and the re- sulting credit crisis.
The amendment was established after the senate was accused of high levels of corruption.
The 17th amendment gives a further definition on how senators are elected. Before the 17th amendment the senate was place for millionaires, individuals who acquire seats through bribing their way to the post. This is because the corrupt state legislatures were the political institutions responsible for senators’ election. The institutions were corrupt thus the notorious and incompetent individuals bought their way into senate. The 17th amendment solved this challenge where the senate of the United States was made to be composed of two Senators, the constitutional state and the other elected by the people.
The Virginia plan appealed to large states that would have many representatives.