Both poem and the song describes the theme of loneliness and companionship. In the beginning a character is introduced of loneliness and staring at the cold. I guess the both literary texts describe how the boy should encourage himself to get out there in the world but in the end he ends up being comfortable with his own wall built. But has the desire to discover new worlds.
Sorry he ejjxiwjxjwjxjjuakgjFkzlktzylzktTkztkztjzrjRjrjRjTistisotstkkzktztkKrKrjtkakotztkstztkTktkTkrjRjriIrirRjriRuruurR
The Hunger Games.
Big sister in movie goes in Hunger games in place of little sister on tv.
Stream of consciousness narrative is characterized by
a point of view which goes beyond a simple account from one character's
perspective and attempts to capture their internal thought processes,
particularly the free associations and strange links they make between topics.
The poem captures this narrative style by focusing on the thoughts and feelings
of the persona, who is of course named in the title. He is walking to meet a
woman for tea and is contemplating the question he is going to ask her, which we
can infer is a proposal of marriage. However, there is no arrival or meeting in
this poem. Instead, it consists of the internal and rather chaotic thought
process of J. Alfred Prufrock. As he walks along, he casts himself in the role
of various characters, including Lazarus and Hamlet, to name a few:
say: "I am Lazarus, come from teh dead,
<span>Come back to tell
you all, I shall tell you all"--</span>