Marielle Tsukamoto
An interviewee is the person that is being interviewed. In "Inteview with Marielle Tsukamoto, Marielle Tsukamoto is the one who is being interviewed. The interviewer is the one who is asking the questions. 5th-grade students are the ones asking the questions so they are the interviewers.
The entire interview is about Marielle Tsukamoto's experience as a Japanese American during World War II. Most specifically about her time in an internment camp.
But the rose-colour swiftly faded." I emphasize with this phrase/quote as it symbolises that the warmth of the colour rose was fading away, which shows that something dreadful had occured for this to happen. The verb "swiftly" means quickly showing a quite similarity of someones life ending. Comparing to the rest of the extract this phrase shows how the sky was drained out of its colour. This phrase implies the sky is slowly loosing its happy touch which gives off some sort of hope to the reader.
what does brain injury have to do with English
Semi-formal is the answer