to tell her something about buryijng their brother
I have managed to find so many articles scientists proven on your topic. However, you may contact the professional writers to have your article rewritten. You can find those at Prime Writing site. Eating a meal, any meal, reliably makes an animal, any animal, calmer and more lethargic. This means humans, too. Hunger makes animals alert and irritable, which explains why couples always fight about where to eat dinner. This emotional response encourages the animals to find food. "Poor mood and poor eating can become a vicious cycle in that if a person isn't eating properly, they can experience a drop in mood, and this drop in mood can make them not want to eat. If someone is constantly missing meals and constantly experiencing this stressor, the response could affect their emotional state on a more constant level.
One who can't see colors.
First, you have to talk to your crush a lot (through any social media apps and in real life) and get to know her really well. Then, you gotta take her on a date (maybe saying like, "What are you doing this weekend?") If your crush isn't going anywhere, you can ask him/her to go to an interesting place that would entertain him/her. If everything went well, you gotta build a relationship with him/her until you finally asks him/her to be your boyfriend/girlfriend. Then, he/she might be your fiance one day and have a family.
The End.
2.) Settings
Talks about all the settings in the story